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Accurately model multiple sources of flooding within one software solution
Rivers and coasts
Surface water
Drainage systems
Accurately model water levels and flows in open channels, floodplains, reservoirs, estuaries and coastal areas
Quickly calculate water depth, velocity and flow paths using our powerful 2D solvers
Confidently model sewer and other urban drainage systems and how they interact with surface flows
End-to-end hydrological analysis
From real-time data collection and insightful visualisation to precise catchment schematisation, Hydrology+ spans every stage. Fully integrated WINFAP and ReFH2 analysis, ensures accurate reconciliation of methods and seamless application of hydrology, across all your projects.
Customer testimonial
What our customers say

"AECOM have been using Flood Modeller for over 25 years for a wide range of engineering and environmental applications. The software fullfils our key requirements of being fast, stable and accurate."

"We use Flood Modeller for the majority of our flood risk modelling and it is our software of choice for fully hydrodynamic modelling within our national real-time flood forecasting system."
Read our case studies
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