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Flood Risk Assessments

Accelerate regulatory approval

Flood Modeller allows users to quickly and easily undertake flood risk assessments to obtain regulatory approval fast. Its flexible licensing structure means it is scalable and suitable for businesses of all sizes.

Model rivers, surface water and urban drainage systems


Easily review multiple sources of flooding to ensure every risk can be mitigated to gain planning


Incorporate river, rainfall and sea level data, alongside LiDAR, to predict the probability of flooding


Confidently undertake flood risk assessment modelling from just £150/month, including technical support


Access a GIS interface, suite of numerical solvers, wide range of hydraulic structures and the latest hydrological methods

Watch how it's done

Quick and easy modelling

As part of your flood risk assessment, detailed flood modelling may be required. Many companies sub-contract this part of the process as they don’t have the resources available to undertake such technical work. Unfortunately, using external providers can be costly and slow down project delivery.


Starting from as little as £150 per month, Flood Modeller enables you to take full control of your FRAs and quickly and confidently identify the source of potential flooding and secure regulatory approval fast


The software provides everything you need to model different sources of flooding, including rivers, surface water and urban drainage systems. Its intuitive GIS interface allows you to easily represent flows and water levels and incorporate an extensive range of hydraulic structures for increased accuracy.


With four editions to choose from, all of which are available as a monthly subscription,  you can select the most appropriate and cost-effective option for your projects. 


In England, flood risk assessments are required for most developments within one of the Environment Agency’s flood zones. This includes developments within:


  • Flood zone 2 or 3, including minor development and change of use, or more than 1 hectare in flood zone 1

  • Less than 1 hectare in flood zone 1 where you could be affected by sources of flooding other than rivers and the sea (for example surface water drains)

  • In an area within flood zone 1 which has critical drainage problems as notified by the Environment Agency


The Scottish Environment Protection AgencyNational Resources WalesDepartment for Infrastructure (Rivers) in Northern Ireland and the Office of Public Works in Ireland also provide similar guidance. Additional guidance is also available on how to use modelling for flood risk assessments.


Case study

Enhancing Flood Risk Assessments
Harpenden, England

Learn how Oakshire Environmental enhanced their Flood Risk Assessments and Flood Mitigation Options Appraisals. Flood Modeller's 1D and 2D solvers were used to identify and assess the nature of flooding at a public park, and determine a suitable strategy to mitigate this flooding. 

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